How Can Auto Dealers Scale Up The Search Engine Marketing in 2017?
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Going beyond conventional ways and ramping up the online marketing efforts has become all-important to propel further. It requires the company to set up the right search engine marketing campaign for improved traffic, sales and profits.

How can the leads generation be amplified via automotive digital marketing? Well, there are numerous examples of auto dealers who have scored benefits, while some are at loss, which signifies if the efforts are not put in the right direction and in the right way at the right time, then ensuring brilliant results is not feasible.

Take a look at the ways employing which auto dealers can heighten the ROI:

1) Targeting right audience at the right time

It’s vivid that bombarding of messages to the wide customers works no more. The auto dealers run the targeted campaigns where intended message is delivered to the right group at the right time to grab the maximum users’ attention. 

Auto dealers can use the keyword targeting so that when users use the terms to run queries, the ads will show up. The location targeting showcase the ads to the users of specific geographic location and retargeting involves displaying of ads to the users who have already visited the website in the past.

2) Ensure Result-Driven Website Development

The digital presence is like the virtual sales person that helps the users know about automobiles and the various services you offer. Ensure that the website developed must be user-friendly and navigated with a great ease to increase the traffic volume and garner maximum users’ information. 

3) Advertise With Responsive Websites

The customers use mobile to search is the trend that’s on the rise. Don’t miss the lucrative opportunity with desktop website. Go responsive and let your automobiles easily browsed and searched by the target audience on mobile.

When your customers easily found you across all the platforms and multitude of devices, the chances of your website found is increased. Moreover, the search engines improve the website ranking if it is mobile responsive.

4) Segment The Marketing Campaign Category-Wise

Presently, the customers prefer to search for the automobiles based on the categories such as brand name, make and model, new car, used car, SUV or Sedan rather than searching the all together. No customer want to waste their time in browsing the type of car that they cannot afford or do not want any longer. Make certain that your campaign is always broken according to the categories to make the reach to the right audience.

5) Be visible on local listing

Going responsive is good enough to garner the mobile users’ share, but making the visibility on the local listing is essential. The auto dealers are regarded as more trustworthy if they appear on the local listing and display the positive reviews.

Getting the customers’ feedback is difficult. So auto dealers can either send an email or incentivize the customers for providing their feedback as customers always read the online reviews before making any purchase.


Automotive digital marketing largely involves SEO and paid search. The SEO services help the auto dealers to optimize the website ranking with quality content, while paid search involves buying ads space on the search engine and considered as the fastest way to gain the result.

It depends upon the auto dealers what they wanted to go with Automotive SEO services or Paid search like PPC campaign and how. However, the smart way to reap the worthy results is reaching the audience with paid search and then setting up the SEO campaign to convert the leads gained in the funnel.

It’s time to ramp up your online efforts with the right search engine marketing.

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